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Times Management System Pvt. Ltd. (TMS), plans to expand the scope of the company by not limiting ourselves to Nepalese manpower. We will source professionals from other countries to supply the need of manpower importing nations. It is established with a view of contributing towards elimination of unemployment problem of the Nepal, as well as to direct the potential energy of the youth towards creative and productive learning to that it directs the potential energy of the youth towards creative and productive learning to that it could enhance their career. We believe that the key factor of organizational growth is our customer satisfaction. Keeping this vision in mind, we continuously endeavor to offer the most potential candidates to our esteemed clients as well as better clients to our valuable customers

Times Management System Pvt. Ltd (TMS), was established with an aim to become a recruitment agency that provides the most reliable and competent human resource solutions for organizations who want to recruit the Nepalese people in various field and levels. The mission of our organization is to reduce the increased unemployment burden of the country. We aim to fulfill our mission by exploring new horizons of employment for the qualified and skilled individuals.


  • To enhance manpower industry by exploring market potential for a huge number of unemployed Nepalese youth. To find better job opportunities for skilled, semi-skilled, trained and professional Nepalese manpower.
  • To supply competent manpower of various skill levels (Unskilled, Semi-skilled, skilled, highly skilled and professional manpower) as per the company demand while fully compiling with the laws and acts of Ministry of Labour & Transport Management of Nepal.
  • To enhance the quality of positions being provided to Nepalese manpower by negotiating for better positions with better pay and facilities.
  • To reduce the country's unemployment burden by establishing Nepalese workers as the most competent and honest workforce which will create raise in demand of such individuals.
  • Headhunting for professional manpower for outbound employment.